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![]() To love Happy Birthday |
![]() Dear Guy, In the short time you were with us, you gave the world so much. You were loved by all who met you, loved by your friends and colleagues, loved even by those who only met you through your work, in that, is the measure of your greatness. Everyone you touched celebrates the day you were born. Antoinette G. Lane - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 23:55:40 (PST) Guy, you have played so many wonderful roles as an actor, but your most memorable role was that of "role model" to all of us 50's kids. It is almost as though the mask was created first and laid aside until the perfect face came along to fill it. That face was yours. Thanks for all the thrills and adventure. Pete <eastcoastpeter@hotmail.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 23:27:36 (PST) I remember watching Guy as Zorro when I was a little girl and fell in love with him. Wherever you are Guy, you put a smile on our faces. Happy Birthday. Josephine Meredith <gigi_luna@yahoo.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 22:25:28 (PST) I will always love Guy Williams. He left this earth much too soon. I wish I could have met him in person. I will watch reruns of Zorro forever. He was the most handsome man in the world. Thanks to Mary's wonderful website, I rekindled the most greatest memories of my childhood and I found out what really happened to Guy Williams. His fans are wonderful and I would love to meet some of them. I wish we could all be there in Hollywood when he gets his well deserved star. I will light a candle in his memory. Theresa Smith <Smith@f-tech.net> Minersville, PA. - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 19:27:23 (PST) Guy will always be remembered as a man who loved life, children and adults alike. He cared for the little ones who were so sick in the hospitals. I listened to the 1984 radio interview to hear once again that voice of yours. Thanks to the friends I have met on the internet, I have tons of printed material and pictures on Guy. Guy Jr. and Toni are the greatest! They have pictures of their dad that none of us have ever seen and I'm always surprised with something new each day. Whenever I see a Z in the sky, small or large---my heart takes a leap and Zorro is remembered even in the heavens. Marian <mrobinson@horses-mn.org> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 19:24:07 (PST) Happy Birthday Guy!! Thank you for all the terrfic tv you gave to me. Thank you for being my hero that I shall never forget! You left your own legend behind you and I promise to never let it die in my heart. Erin <Foxfinder@juno.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 19:20:01 (PST) I know Guy is looking down at us from heaven knowing we all love and appreciate him on his special day. He was a wonderful man in all ways. I am very thankful that I have been given the chance to know about him and watch him on Zorro. His lifes work has brought much happiness in my life. I wish I could have met him. Becki <victoriasvintage@aol.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 19:09:37 (PST) The anniversary of Guy's birthday is almost exactly the anniversary of my rediscovery of WDZorro and the part that Guy Williams had in making it great and timeless. It also marks the anniversary of all of the new friendships that I have made the past three years. I will always be so very grateful to Guy Williams for that as well as for the impetus to begin writing. Any further feelings I have are expressed on my web site. Thank you, Mary, for your site, for your desire to give these people who meant so much to us as children their due recognition. And thank you for creating this page. It is beautiful, a very fitting tribute to the man named Guy Williams. He truly knows that he is loved. Sue Kite <bookscape@earthlink.net> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 18:30:33 (PST) As the 77th anniversary of Guy's birth approaches, the heart fills with such wonderful memories of what he shared with us all, and such regrets that he was gone so soon. Taffy Shanks <wdzorro@home.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 17:40:59 (PST) Guy, I remember you from Zorro and Lost In Space. You are terrific! I celebrated your birthday by watching the Sign of Zorro. Your smile was so infectious. Mary Nelson <guywilliams_55021@yahoo.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 17:04:09 (PST) Wherever you are, Happy Birthday and be sure there are lots of fans thinking of you today and thanking you for the dignity of performance on your characters! Mônica <monisusie01@aol.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 16:38:12 (PST) Lucky 77! Remembering Guy Williams on his birthday. His memory lives on through his many memorable characters. Laurie Close <lislaurie@aol.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 15:53:58 (PST) Guy, On this your Special Day, I send my love and thanks for all you have brought me...a new joy and a new outlook on life. You have touched the world and my life personnally, enriching it in your own unique way. Although I never met you, I believe I know you well enough to say you were a real gentleman, a true caballero, and the only real Zorro! I hope to be able to meet you in the here-after. I will love you forever! Susan Pearce - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 15:33:27 (PST) Happy Birthday, Guy. I have loved you as long as I can remember. You made me feel safe and protected as a child. As an adult, you have brought me some of the best friends I've ever known. I will light a candle in your memory today and every January 14 for the rest of my life. You will never be forgotten. MaryAnn <mbeve10258@aol.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 15:09:00 (PST) I will be listening to an audio tape version of the "Hunter's Moon" episode of Lost In Space. It was one of the few episodes focusing on Guy in the 3rd and final season of Lost In Space. If the show had remained true to its initial episodes that centered around John Robinson and the family, it would have remained a fine show instead of degenerating into a camp show. Guy did his own stunts and his own fighting with guest star Vincent Beck as the alien hunting him, Megazor. Happy Birthday, Guy. Brian G. Walsh <briansgate@hotmail.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 15:02:00 (PST) Happy Birthday Guy, wherever you are. Mary, thanks for the memorial page. Lise <cocotte1962@sympatico.ca> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 14:13:53 (PST) 77 años. ¡Tan joven! Y sin embargo, hace ya tanto que nos dejaste. Tenías mucho más para dar, pero Dios te quiso a su lado, pues siempre requiere de los justos. Tu vida fue un ejemplo, y nosotros te recordamos y te amamos, siempre. Feliz Cumpleaños, amigo de la infancia y de la vida toda. Adrian Escudero <aescuder@mdp.edu.ar> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 13:55:55 (PST) (Webmistress Note: Translation : "77 years! So young! And nevertheless, it hurts that you left us.You had much more to give, but God wanted you by His side because He always takes the best ones. Your life was an example, and we remember you and we love you, always. Happy Birthday, friend of children and all.") Guy, you were my first hero at the tender age of five....I will always remember you as the Black Knight who rode each night fighting evil .... you stole my young heart and you will always have it!!!! I, on the day of your 77th birthday, declare this special day to be one of laughter and mirth!!! I know and feel that you are watching us from the sky down here on earth and you realize that you will forever be loved and never be forgotten! Dorme Bene, Señor Zorro. (Italian for 'sleep well'). Gail Manfre, Slidell, LA <gmanfre@bellsouth.net> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 13:27:16 (PST) Mary, another beautiful page remembering Guy's birthday. Thanks for doing it. Enjoying my Sunday chatting with other Guy fans. Will soon be watching Guy on Password. Kathy G. <zorro08@aol.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 12:09:42 (PST) The Zorro series has stood the test of time. This is a compliment to the acting of Guy Williams. I am sure he is at peace, and wish him a happy birthday. Norm <nunamak@gateway.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 11:22:47 (PST) Conocí personalmente a Guy en Argentina, y sé lo que él amaba a sus fans. NUNCA nos alcanzará el tiempo para agradecerle lo que él hizo por nuestra niñez. Feliz cumple, Guy.Alex <malacai@rocketmail.com> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 11:18:53 (PST) (Webmistress Note: Translation : "I knew Guy personally in Argentina, and know that he loved his fans. We will forever be thankful to him for what he did for our childhoods. Happy Birthday, Guy.") Dear Guy, Wherever you are, I am sure you'll never be forgotten. You left us way too soon, but you left us with kind and fond memories. Happy Birthday! Carine Michiels <carinem@pandora.be> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 09:47:54 (PST) Guy, I will never forget you from my whole life, you bring me so much by your wisdom, your kindness, meeting you has been the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me and, I am sure, with God's help, some day we'll meet again. I believe in you ! I will always keep a place in my heart as long as I live. Elise <elzorro@infonie.fr> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 08:56:35 (PST) You are eternal love to your Zorro children. Today we are adults and have continuous love for our Zorro. Happy Birthday. My English is very bad but the sentiment is pure. Zorrinha <zorrinha@uol.com.br> - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 05:18:32 (PST) I will just light a candle to let you know that I'll be thinking of you. Mary Spooner - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 00:14:37 (PST) |