June 23, 1955 Episode # 172 - Title: "Six-Gun Artist"
A series of stagecoach holdups have been taking place in different towns around the vicinity. One thing they have in common is that every stage has either been on its way to Mesa Junction or has passed through it. The masked man suspects that someone in town might be giving the bandits the information on the stagecoaches that carry valuable cargo. Every trap that has been set for the bandits has been cleverly avoided so far. The sheriff of Mesa Junction is Will Harrington. He is in love with Julie Gregory, an artist who is painting scenery while on tour of the west.
As she is about to head off to Scorpion Rock to paint, Will offers to go with her. She reminds him that she can't paint when she is being watched, but she promises to be back in time to have lunch with him. The masked man and Tonto stumble upon Julie at Scorpion Rock and decide to ask her a few questions. Of course, when Julie sees the ranger's mask, she immediately thinks the worst and pulls a gun on them. They assure her that they are not outlaws and tell her of the recent stagecoach robbery. They want to know if she has seen anyone passing through.
When she tells him that she hasn't, the lone ranger asks if she has been at Scorpion Rock all morning. She tells them she came directly from town and has been there since 8:00 am. They thank her for her time and leave, but suspect she wasn't telling the truth about going directly to Scorpion Rock from town. They noticed that her horse had black mud on its hooves. The same kind of mud that was at the last robbery, not far from Blue Mountain. Things are beginning to fall into place. The lone ranger decides to have a talk with the sheriff in Mesa Junction.
Before the lone ranger tells the sheriff of his suspicions about Julie being mixed up with the crooks that have been pulling the holdups, Will tells him that as
that have been pulling the holdups, Will tells him that as soon as he can get up the courage, he is going to ask Julie to marry him. This makes what the lone ranger has to tell him, more difficult. When he does tell Will all that he knows, Will tells him he is out of his mind and demands that he leave his office before he forgets that he's an officer of the law. The masked man leaves. Will just won't believe that Julie is mixed up in anything crooked and asks her straight out if she's in trouble. She replies, "not that I know of."
When Will tells Julie at this time that he loves her and wants to marry her, she tells him that this is hardly the time and place to discuss such things. Meanwhile, the lone ranger tells Tonto that the sheriff is so in love with Julie that he wouldn't listen to him. Tonto replies, "A man in love only hear what he want to hear". Somehow they have to come up with a plan to make Julie give herself away and implicate the men she's working with. It is decided that the lone ranger will put on the disguise of an old man to set the plan in motion.
When he accidentally on purpose bumps into Julie in front of the sheriff, he apologizes, but then says that he remembers seeing her up at Blue Mountain earlier that morning. Julie tells him that he must be mistaken, but he insists he's not and continues, "I wouldn't forget a face pretty as yours. I saw you up at Blue Mountain talking to two men." The sheriff tells the old timer to run along and mind his own business. Again, Will questions Julie and tells her that that man was the second person today to say they saw her up at Blue Mountain. She says it must be a girl that looks like her.
To change the subject, Julie pretends that her watch is missing. She says she thinks the old man took it when he bumped into her. Will chases after the old man and sees him with Tonto. He sneaks up on them and tells them to get their hands up, they're under arrest for stealing Julie's watch. "Him not thief", says Tonto. They raise their hands, but it isn't long before the tables are turned on the sheriff. Will now realizes that the old man is the masked man who paid him a visit earlier in the day. Tonto and the lone ranger tie Will up to prevent him from ruining their plan.
Tonto leaves to follow Julie, but she outsmarts him and forces him to ride ahead of her to the hideout where they meet up with Hack Davis and Lafe. As Tonto resists, they knock him out and lock him in the other room. The lone ranger catches up with them but gets caught. Just as he is about to be killed, Tonto comes to, knocks the gun out of the gunman's hand and together they bring the gang to jail. At the sheriff's office, Will is feeling down. He says that he let Julie make a complete fool out of him. "I even thought I was in love with her", he says sheepishly.
"Don't take it so hard, Will", says the masked man. Hutch, an old stagecoach driver who had been robbed, reminds Will that he got all the money that had been stolen and he's finally got the gang behind bars. Tonto says, "Woman with pretty face and evil heart always make trouble". Tonto and the lone ranger bid adios and take their leave. Hutch, doesn't fully understanding just who it is they've been talking to, but Will explains it to him.